
2015. december 29., kedd

Ma avatta volna Fehérvár Hóman Bálint köztéri szobrát - nem utolsó szóként Fehérvárról Hóman Bálintról

Ma van Hóman Bálint 130. születésnapja. 
Szoborállítás helyett szoboreltiltás. Székesfehérvár közemberének ez a szerep jutott.

A sok külföldről tiltakozónak küldjük ezt a levelesládánkba érkezett levelet, mely azon a nyelven  íródott, amelyen a leginkább ők is írogatnak függetlenül attól, hogy milyen anyanyelvű a leveleik  olvasója ... hogy jobban értsék legközelebb, "hány óra", mielőtt valakikbe belerúgnak, mikor valamibe, amihez sok közük már messze nincs, beleszólnak! Egyszer megértik, mert meg kell érteniük, hogy mit jelent, ha: 

Fehérvár tiszteli Hóman Bálintot!

Mélyen tisztelt Hölgyeim és Uraim!

Továbbítjuk Tóth Tamás levelét Kanadából.
A következő levél az egyenjogúság, a demokratikus megítélés és elbírálás valamint az Igazság nevében küldődött el a következő személyeknek:

Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, and several members of U.S. Congress: Chris Smith, Nita LoweyEliot Engel,Ileana Ros-LehtinenKay Granger, Steve Israel, Peter Roskam and Ted Deutch..

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Nowadays, we more and more experience that, our Jewish brothers and sisters both abroad and in Hungary express the injustices perpetrated on them via hatred and attack!
It is strange that, Mr. Miklós Horthy was loved and respected by those Jewish brothers and sistersthe, who come back from Auschwitz and who stood beside him!
But, the current generation only attack and hate. Mr. Miklós Horthy was only a witness and NOT an accused on international trial. The current generation of our Jewish brothers and sistersthe do not respect the sensitivity of Hungarians, to whose Mr. Miklós Horthy  was a Liberator!

Therefore, it was very sad, when the current generation protested on uncivilized conditions before that church, which was founded by Mr. Horthy, when with a religious ceremony was inaugurated his statue and was commemorating him!

The same is repeated with the inauguration of Mr. Bálint Hóman's statue!
To express the pain with the help of hatred and attack is NOT the right way! 
If, for example, we recognize for Ervin Szabó (b. Schlesinger Samuel Armin)  his scientific work, BUT,  we know that "Hungary was truncated NOT only because of the loss of war, but also due to the 133 days of the Advice of Republic (Tanácsköztársaság), where the communist Mr. Ervin Szabó was accompliced!  Today, one of the most famous library bears his name in Hungary.

We can say, that the former acts of Mr. Szabó Ervin violate the sensitivity of the Hungarians! Would civilians protest for that? Would civilians draw attentions of the foreign media and politicians / senators too?
Surely, we can find more similar situations!

We expect from a people, which believe that it is "Selected" to be fair and wise! To note that both the Jews as the Hungarians (Trianon) has similar tragic histories!  These facts
should connect them together! 

It would be NOT fair to NOT respect person's values, because he/she was born in a historical period, which is not desirable!
It would be wise, if both parts would honor the  human values! Honest opinions would bring closer these two brothers.

Mr. Bálint Hóman was the former minister of religion and education of Hungary. 
He is classified among the best researcher, who studied the medieval Hungarian history. His
scientific work was very many-sided and acknowledged.

He actively participated in the chair of the Hungarian Numismatic Society, the Hungarian Ethnographic Society and the Hungarian Historical Society.

He was a member of parliament in Székesfehérvár, and at the same time he did a lot for this city!
He supported colleges for the poor children's schooling. He highly paid great attention to the education of peasant children. He sponsored annually 1000 talented children with hard life!
He put down the fundamentals of today usual divisions (8 general and four high school grades) of school system.
In an occupied country, he was against the Soviets! He always condemned racialism and saved many Jewish friends from the deportations!

Under Communism with fabricated incrimination the People's Court sentenced him to life imprisonment.
He was prisoner in penitentiary of Vác, where he was frequently abused, until finally, weakened from hunger and disease he died in prison in 1951.
In March 6, 2015, the Metropolitan Court posthumously acquitted him from charges of war crimes in the absence of crime!

Therefore, please consider in the case of Bálint Hóman, the judge of "absence of crime" Award!
The city of Székesfehérvár will stand by its truth, for the statue of Mr. Bálint Hóman, which we all should respect!

Mr. Bálint Hóman gave his life for his country and was the victim of communism!
Fejér Szövetség Sajtószolgálat

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